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Contact: Jeanne Beacham
Phone: (510) 576-2220
9 A.M. PST, May 21, 2007
HAYWARD, CA MAY 21, 2007: TouchMark, a leading provider of high quality precision pad printing services to the medical device, diagnostic, and consumer electronics industries, moved to its new high-tech facility today. The new facility is located at 1881 Whipple Avenue in Hayward, CA. The new location not only offers additional production space, but also includes new state-of-theart equipment and expanded cleanroom capabilities. “The new facility was designed to maximize efficiency, quality, and precision for each of our customers’ print jobs”, said Jeanne Beacham, president.
Background: TouchMark, originally founded in 1992, was purchased by Delphon Industries in 2006. For more than 15 years the company has worked closely with leading medical and electronic customers to provide solutions to their challenging pad printing requirements. TouchMark has developed an expertise with difficult substrates, inks and unique shapes. In addition to pad printing, the company has expanded its offerings over the years to include material procurement and preparation, incoming inspection, cleanroom assembly, as well as post production services. The company is constantly growing its service offering to meet the changing needs of medical device and consumer electronic manufacturers.
About the Parent Company: TouchMark is a division of Delphon Industries, LLC headquartered in Hayward, California. Delphon’s mission is to provide materials and services for the shipping, processing, and packaging of high value technology components. With the divisions TouchMark, Gel-Pak, and Quik-Pak along with a worldwide sales and distribution network, Delphon Industries serves a wide range of markets including semiconductor, medical, opto-electronics, automotive, and data storage.
For More Information contact:
Jeanne Beacham: 510-576-2220 or
Darby Davis: 510-576-2220 or